Case study on recurrent meningitis with otitis media in hiv postive child.

  • V. Uma Sankar Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Avanthi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Gollapalli Eswari Avanthi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Bacterial meningitis is a neurologic crisis. Immunization against normal microbes has diminished the weight of sickness. Early conclusion and fast commencement of empiric antimicrobial and adjunctive treatment are fundamental. Treatment ought to be started when blood cultures have been acquired, going before any imaging studies. Clinical signs of bacterial meningitis incorporate fever, migraine, meningismus, and a modified degree of cognizance yet signs might be scant in youngsters, in the old, and in meningococcal sickness. In this case study the child with HIV positive had a recurrent headaches and ear pain where the lab investigations shows the child has a streptococcal infection with middle ear inflammation.

Keywords: Meningococcal, Meningitis, Immunization


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How to Cite
V, U. S., & Gollapalli, E. (2019). Case study on recurrent meningitis with otitis media in hiv postive child . Journal of Integral Sciences, 2(1), 21-24. Retrieved from
Case Studies & Reports