A Review on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pharmacy

  • Gude Mahendra Priyadarshini Institute of pharmaceutical Education and Research, 5th Mile, Pulladigunta, Guntur -522017, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Intelligent technologies will someday replace human talent in many areas or enhance it. Artificial intelligence refers to the intelligence exhibited by software or robotics. It falls within the computer science category. Because artificial intelligence has significantly enhanced human lives in many ways, computer scientists are becoming more and more interested in studying it. Artificial intelligence has greatly improved the performance of industrial and service systems within the past 20 years. With countless applications in business, medicine, and engineering, it has greatly advanced into a science of problem-solving. Over time, artificial intelligence has become more and more prevalent in pharmaceutical technology. This is because technology can be used to save costs and time, as well as to better comprehend the correlations between various formulations and process parameters. Drug discovery, AI tools, manufacturing execution systems, automated control processes, AI to predict new treatment, creation of novel peptides from natural foods, management and treatment of rare diseases, drug adherence and dosage, and obstacles to AI adoption in pharma are all covered in the article. One of the main benefits of artificial intelligence is the shortening of drug development time, which lowers costs and saves time. The challenges facing the pharmaceutical business in deploying AI are also examined in the review.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Drug development, Machine Learning, Pharmaceutical Industry


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How to Cite
Gude, M. (2024). A Review on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pharmacy. Journal of Integral Sciences, 7(2), 21-28. Retrieved from https://jisciences.com/index.php/journal/article/view/87
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