Statistical Analysis of Factors Affecting the Production of Wheat Crop In Gulomakeda Woreda, Eastern Tigray Zone, Ethiopia.
The present research is done based on the major factors which are affecting the production of wheat crop in Gulomekada woreda, Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia. The Gulomekada is one of the main wheat producing area in the tigray region. But, recently the production of wheat decreased due to different reasons such as land size, pesticide, fertilizer, temperature and rainfall. The present study was about the statistical analysis of the factors affecting the production of wheat crop. The collected data was a secondary source of data about the factors affecting the production of wheat and the data analyzed by the descriptive and inferential statistics. From the results of the present study, the average production of wheat in the Gulomakeda woreda for the past 10 years was 14719.25 quintal per hectare. The average land size, pesticide, fertilizer, temperature and rainfall in the past 10 years 2476.68hectare, 1755.00lts, 4054.70qu, 20.50 and 933.90mm respectively. In addition, from the multiple linear regression models some independent variables (factors) like land size, fertilizer, temperature and rainfall are statistically significant at 5% level of significance.
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