Development of Telugu Language Softwares

  • Dr.D.Madhusudana Prakasa Rao Assistant Professor, Department of Telugu, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University, Srikakulam


In the olden days initiation of literacy was done by making the child write ‘om namaha’ with his right finger in the sand. Later slates and slate pencils took their place. Today there is no need for either slates or books and we have digital methods for the same thing. If one just switches on the computer it shows how to write om namaha and we also hear a melodious voice saying om namaha. This is the way to teach lessons with the help of multimedia in today’s technological world. In the previous days for a marriage invitation card various blocks were manually arranged, proofreading was done and then the invitation card was printed. But today there are beautiful fonts like potana and srilipi and they have changed the field of printing as never before. Today there are various fonts that support various software, the anusaraka translation machine which helps in translation, E- Dictionary and spell checkers to know the spelling mistakes, Telugu searching to browse various things on the Internet, Telugu bloggers for various reviews, and Encyclopedia have also become available. The work done by C- DAC, Modular InfoTech, IIIT, and Hyderabad Central University is highly commendable in the development of this software.

Keywords: Literacy, om namaha, Telugu language, E- Dictionary, C- DAC

Author Biography

Dr.D.Madhusudana Prakasa Rao , Assistant Professor, Department of Telugu, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University, Srikakulam

Assistant Professor, Department of Telugu, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar  University, Srikakulam


1. Sanketika Prakasam- Dr.D.M.Prakasa Rao
2. Vidyullipi (Souvenir)- University of hyderabad, Hyderabad
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How to Cite
D, M. P. R. (2022). Development of Telugu Language Softwares. Journal of Integral Sciences, 5(4), 22-23.
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