A review on analytical drug utilisation

  • Badri Sireesha Assistant professor, Sankar Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Salakalaveedu(V), Bestavaripeta (M), Prakasam (D), Pincode-523370
  • G.Hema latha B.Pharmacy, Sankar Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Salakalaveedu(V), Bestavaripeta (M), Prakasam (D), Pincode-523370
  • V.Jayalakshmi B.Pharmacy, Sankar Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Salakalaveedu(V), Bestavaripeta (M), Prakasam (D), Pincode-523370
  • N.Venkateshwari B.Pharmacy, Sankar Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Salakalaveedu(V), Bestavaripeta (M), Prakasam (D), Pincode-523370
  • K.Kumar B.Pharmacy, Sankar Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Salakalaveedu(V), Bestavaripeta (M), Prakasam (D), Pincode-523370
  • C.Murali Mohan B.Pharmacy, Sankar Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Salakalaveedu(V), Bestavaripeta (M), Prakasam (D), Pincode-523370
  • R.Mahesh B.Pharmacy, Sankar Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Salakalaveedu(V), Bestavaripeta (M), Prakasam (D), Pincode-523370


Drug utilization studies aim to evaluate factor related to the prescribing ,dispensing,administering,and taking of medication and its associated events.The clinical pharmacist is one of the member in the health care team.clinical pharmacist provide  care to patient and that this practice can occurs in any practice setting.it provides valuable feedback about the rationality of the prescription to the doctor and various steps are performed in drug utilization process .hence, DURs are classified into three categories and future perspectives can  based on various methods .This article reviews the drug utilization pattern and  evalution of the process of drug utilization drug utilization reviews services include corrective action,prescriber reviews and further evaluation as a quality assurance mechanism.Drug utilization review programs as well as definition to what degree and which determinants of inappropriate prescribing are susceptible to modification and what might be an appropriate mix of interventions to achieve optimal impact merit further rigorous study. United States drug utilization research has been primarily developed at an institutional level or as part of as local health programs.

Keywords: Drug utilization, define daily dose, consumption studies, pharmacist role in due


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How to Cite
Badri, S., G, H. latha, V, J., N, V., K, K., C, M. M., & R, M. (2022). A review on analytical drug utilisation. Journal of Integral Sciences, 5(3), 1-7. Retrieved from https://jisciences.com/index.php/journal/article/view/37
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