In-vitro antibacterial activity of Peristrophe paniculata
Peristrophe paniculata is a traditional medicinal plant having different medicinal usages. The current study was aimed to investigate antibacterial activity of P. paniculata extracts on different pathogenic bacterial strains. The antibacterial activity of hexane, ethyl acetate and hydro alcoholic extracts of P. paniculata was carried using cup-plate method. The extracts of of P. paniculata have showed presence of dose dependent zone of inhibitions on tested bacterial strains along with the standard drug. The hexane extract of P. paniculata showed lower activity compared to ethyl acetate and hydroalcoholic extracts and hydroalcoholic extract showed better activity. The inhibition activity on growth of different bacterial strains is may be presence of different phytochemical compounds in them. Further research is worthful in isolation of pure compounds and evaluation of pharmacological activities.
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