Status of vitamin D levels in bronchial asthmatic Children at Tertiary Care Hospital, Tirupathi

  • Sudheer P Department of Pediatrics, Sri Venkateswara Ramnarain Ruia Government General Hospital, Tirupathi
  • Jayachandra Naidu T Department of Pediatrics, Sri Venkateswara Ramnarain Ruia Government General Hospital, Tirupathi


The current study was carried out to estimate the levels of vitamin D in asthmatic children and to know the relation between the two. A total of 75 asthmatic children were included between 6-12 years of age based on symptoms and divided into mild, moderate, severe persistent asthmatic. Standard laboratory tests which include Absolute eosinophil count (AEC), Vitamin D levels, calcium, phosphorous, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) for asthmatic children. Blood samples were collected and Vitamin D levels were estimated using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. The results of the current study has shown significant correlation between vitamin D and severity of asthma with male to female child ratio is 1.5:1. The total of 94.67% asthmatic children had vitamin D levels <30 ng/ml. 72% of asthmatic children had deficient levels of vit D i.e. <20 ng/ml. Mean serum Vitamin D is highest in mild persistent asthmatic group with value 23.73 +/- 8.03 ng/ml and lowest in severe persistent group with value 11.09 +/- 4.26 ng/ml. The ALP levels are raised in highest in severe persistent asthmatic group which is 252.36 +/- mg/dl.  Lowest levels of ALP in mild persistent asthmatic group which is 163.44 +/- 36.6 mg/dl. 64% (48) of asthmatic children had AEC <400 and 36% (27) had AEC >400. The present study concludes that vitamin D deficiency is more common in asthmatic children (94.67%) who are attending the department of pediatrics, S.V.R.R.G.G.H., Tirupati and confirms that there is significant inverse correlation between severity of asthma and vitamin D levels.

Keywords: Children, Asthma and Vitamin D


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P, S., & Naidu T, J. (2019). Status of vitamin D levels in bronchial asthmatic Children at Tertiary Care Hospital, Tirupathi. Journal of Integral Sciences, 2(1), 17-20. Retrieved from
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